Where on Earth have I been?

Perhaps one of the more existential questions in life: Where on Earth have I been?

Quite literally speaking (and I use that word in the actual, literal sense, rather than the way a sixteen year old would use it), I’ve been a lot of places, seen a lot of things, and neglected this here blog for too long. I’m sad about that, probably because writing is one of my favorite things to do and I don’t get to write non-legal documents nearly enough. Traveling is also one of my favorite things to do. Top five? In no particular order:

1) Travel
2) Eat
3) Drink wine
4) Write/Photograph
5) Sleep

But I’ve also lost a part of myself when I moved back from Mendoza to Austin, and then again to NYC. I left a little piece of me in MDZ – although I’m not sure what it was. Living abroad changes you. And it ruins you for life, because home suddenly isn’t as cool anymore. It’s not enough. It’s not as interesting. And it’s not “home”.

I also realized that New York, where I was born and lived until I was 24, is not home, either. What a horrible realization! I really was waiting for that epiphany…and it never came.

So, where is home? I’d like to find out.

Since my last post, I’ve gotten married to that boyfriend I talked about in my earlier posts, got a dog, moved to a new/old city and have joined the ranks of corporate America, where my soul takes a beating daily and comes back for more. One day, I’d love to be able to do what I really love full-time (see list above… it could totally work!), but that day is not today.

Until that day comes, I have promised myself that I need to chronicle my travels, amazing meals with friends, good times and great bottles. I’ll write this blog for me, but also for you, dear Reader (which may or may not be Future Me, only, but hey, that’s cool).

In the next few posts, I’ll recap some of the great trips I’ve taken (with the husband, usually) and dole out any advice, tips and tricks I learned along the way. I hope it helps someone… but if not, you can’t say I didn’t warn you!

Thanksgiving with the gringos

Summer is just around the corner and in many ways, it feels like it’s already here. It’s about 90* outside lately, and even though it’s a “dry heat” , it’s still hot. Not really feeling like the holiday season. But it is. And it’s weird.

Thanksgiving was just a few weeks ago, and to answer your questions: Yes! We had a Thanksgiving! With turkey. In fact, we had 2 Thanksgivings: 1 on Thursday and the other on Sunday afternoon. Here, we had a long weekend as well, but it was because Monday was a national holiday; not Thursday or Friday.

I consumed parts of 6 different turkeys cooked at least 4 different ways. It was glorious. Of course, when you’re in Argentina, you’re bound to drink a ton of wine. One of my personal favorites is the Azul Reserva blend, which is also the favorite of one of our hosts. We also brought with us to the first gringo feast a bottle of Melipal Rose, which, according to one of my friends who is also a wine expert, is one of Argentina’s finest roses.  I would like to put the accent on the “e”  right here, but I’m not using my regular laptop, so forgive me. We didn’t get to open the bottle (everyone brings wine everywhere here, so we had enough) – but I am hoping to find an occasion for it soon.

Dinners were great and it really has begun to feel like “home”  here, even though it may not really be our home after May. The friends that we’ve made here are fantastic, and there’s a real sense of community among the expats, anyway. If I couldn’t be home with my family, I still enjoyed my new “family” here in Mendoza.

Last Monday (the holiday), we went to Anna Bistro (which I’ve written about before) and drank a few bottles of Lurton’s Pinot Gris… a refreshing, light white, while having lunch with friends of ours on their outdoor patio. It was really nice.

If it’s not going to feel like the holiday season, I might as well enjoy the fact that they’re during the Spring and Summer here, right?

Bring on the whites and roses!

The gato outside my window.

My neighbor/friend and I want to murder this cat that hangs out between our apartments.
It’s actually kind of cute. But its cuteness is far overshadowed by its amazing ability to make a noise that pisses me off to the core. It’s almost a baby crying mixed with dying animals and a touch of Ke$ha.

Naturally, its favorite time to make such noise is on the weekend when I’m hungover in bed from a night out at Por Acá when I get home at 6:30am and want to sleep all day.
It also has a knack for hanging out directly outside my window and meowing/bitching right when I get home from work.

Did I mention that there’s a very similar, equally-evil cat at work that does the same exact thing every day after 5pm?

Between the cat and the birds that have some sort of obnoxious song that’s like a broken record player looping all day… I need a BB gun. Or perhaps something with a bit more firepower.

The man with the bird.

Last week, we were driving home from work in my coworker’s car and a fat man on a bicycle rode by. He was bald, and looked pretty mean. He completely enveloped the bicycle on which he sat. Then, as he passed, we kept looking, and there was a small black bird with a bright orange beak, just perched on his back. Riding along as his pet.

Fat man with a little bird.

I wish my iPhone wasn’t dead so I could have taken a photo.

This is garbage.

I removed this post, because it was mean. Also, because I apparently misunderstood the man. He was selling garbage bags. Still annoying, and shouldn’t have been ringing my doorbell trying to sell me plastic bags to throw my garbage away in, but still. Not as ridiculous as before.

However, the garbage men here DO ask for tips. So, I wasn’t completely out of line, either.

Deep in the heart of Texas

I got to Texas early last week and it has been amazing. I didn’t know how much I missed it really until I got back.
That being said, I’m heading back to MDZ in early September. I think I’ll be ready to head back then.
Went to BA before I left, and had an amazing time. There will be blog posts about various things there.
But until then, I’m going to go to brunch with some of my best friends and enjoy my life.