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One concern that’s been tugging at me lately is that it must seem that since most of my reviews of places (restaurants, bars, hotels, activities) are so positive, I just give everyone really high ratings, regardless of my actual experience. This is NOT the case. Travel planning is an extremely important part of a trip. The answer to why most of my experiences are good-to-great is really simple: I do my research. I spend a lot of time on travel planning for each trip that I take. I don’t want to waste my time and money on a bad vacation.
For anyone who knows me in real life, they know that I’m super Type A about a lot of things. That’s one of the best qualities that a lawyer can have. It’s not great for travelers if you don’t know how to turn off your Type A tendencies sometimes and just go with the flow. But my anal-retentive inclinations, combined with my need to know everything about everything (some might call it a know-it-all?), leads me to research the CRAP out of where I’m going before I actually plan a trip and go there.
I’m not saying you should overschedule your vacations so that you don’t leave any room to deviate from your travel plans or spontaneous experiences. I’m not saying that at all. But, with a little research you can make an “alright” vacation into an unforgettable experience – just put in the time beforehand (or even while you’re there) to figure out what you want to see, where you want to eat, and where you want to lay your head at night, and you can minimize any unfortunate surprises when you’re finally on (what’s supposed to be) your relaxing getaway.

So, now that I’ve shared my not-so-secret secret key ingredient to travel planning, the next question is:
How and where do I do my research and start my travel planning?
So glad you asked. Here we go:
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